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Physical Model

First of all, the physical model must be built in. It can be done by just introducing all the Feynman rules, counterterms and constant obtained from a handbook of the physical model. This is not a so hard task for Standard Model. But it is very hard and unconvenient for a user to input new gauge or new model, such as SU(5) or suppersymmetry models. When a physical model is constructed, to quantize it and give all Feynman rules and counterterms by hand needs quit a lot of work, through there is a standard procedure to do it. For this propose, we have constructed a package FDC-model, which constructure Lagrangian and deduce Feynman rules for the first principle model like SM, supersymmetry model. It makes the input of the Physical model easy. The user do not needed to take care of ghost fields, which will appear when the gauge fields are quantized. In the input it is easy to change the gauge fixing terms to another gauge. The output of this part is the list of all Feynman rules and the expression of counterterms which depends on the scheme(choice of a set independent parameters as input quantities ). The output are of three types, one is built in the systemas the physical model. The second appeares in REDUCE algebraic mode, which is easy to be understood by user. The third is the latex version of the model.

The user can pass the next two sections if he just want to use the existed models.

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wang jian xiong 2003-01-10