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In the beginning when computer came out, a lot of numerical calculations
was done by using computer and many of them could not be solved by just
manual way. With the development of physics and astronomy, to do
complicated calculation, there are some physicists started to construct
SCHOONSHIP and REDUCE to do algebraic calculation on computer in 1960's.
Then FORM, MAPLE Macsyma, Mathematica and so on were
developed to perform computer algebraic calculation. Physicists are used to
do complicated and tedious calculation under the help of these languages.
even we start with some simple ideas to sole a physical problem, we often find
that to realize the perturbative calculation needs very lengthy,
complicated and tedious work. This is particularly true in gauge theories or
standard model. Therfore, it is a common recognition that a system of computer
programs is desirable which can help us to perform complicated
perturbative calculation in Quantum Field Theory in an automatic way.
In recent years, with the development of experiments, more and more
higher order perturbative calculations are required.
Therefore such programs is becoming a very interesting field.
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wang jian xiong