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Main Parts in FDC

In this project, we have the following items:

Build the physics model, i.e. construct the Lagrangian and quantize it.

Generation of all Feynman diagrams and amplitudes for a given process.

Analytic calculation of amplitudes of these diagrams and generation of the expression of the total squared amplitude

Feynman parameter integration

Phase space integration.

If all these steps are performed by hand, one can find many tricks to simplify the results. For an automatic calculation system, applicable to general processes, it is quite difficult to introduce these tricks. However we can still expect that some systematic procedures can be introduced to simplify the calculations, such as symmetry of external identical bosons, gauge invariance and better method to evaluate amplitude squared. It is obvious that we could not to computerize anything more before step 1. The physical model must be given by physicists prior to step 1. In this work, we try to realize a system from this starting point, i.e, step 1, towards the final result, but now on the middle way, just step 1,2,3 have been constructed. The detail introductions to each part are given in the following chapters. Most of the finished work were done in HP-station, PC486(run Linux).

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wang jian xiong 2003-01-10