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To use structure function in proton-proton type collider

The following is a example of the input file "process.def" for the the calculation of $g+g->g+J/\psi$ in proton-proton collider.

ncorrection:='( (g 0) (g3 0) );\\

Where it is easy to know in the line

      namell:='((gs 1 900) (gs 1 900))$
that the first "gs" (gluon) is parton in the first proton (the energy of the proton is 900GeV) with structrure function type 1, and the second "gs" (gluon) is parton in the second proton (the energy of the proton is 900GeV), with structrure function type 1,

wang jian xiong 2003-01-10