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To use structure function in e-proton type collider

It is needed to use structure function of proton, or some similiar things in the case of e-proton or proton-proton colliders. We have defined proton in the section "physical model". To use it in the calculation of process, we introduced the following notation:
   parton:='(na n E) 

    0    "na" is a point particle
  n=1    "na" is a parton in Proton with structure function type 1
    2    "na" is a parton in Proton with structure function type 2
    3    "na" is a photon in electron with structure function type 3

    E     is the energy of the particle "na"  when n=0, 
          is the energy of the proton  when n=1,2. 
          is the energy of the electron  when n=3
where all the three type of structure function are defined in the section "physical model".

we must add the following line in the input file "process.def".

      namell:='(parton1 parton2)$

The following is the input file "process.def" for the calculation of $gamma + {e^-} \rightarrow \bar t + b + \nu_e$ in $e^+ e^-$ collider, where the $\gamma$ is from the $e^+$ with structure function type 3 defined in the seciton "physical model".

...:='( 1 1 -1 -1 -1);\\
ncorrection:='( (cnew2 1) );

Where it is easy to know in the line

      namell:='((p 3 250) (ef 0 250))$
that "ef" (electron) is point particle with energy 250GeV, and "p" is the photon in electron (the energy of electron is 250GeV) with structure function type 3.

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wang jian xiong 2003-01-10