The follwoing three terms should be added to the file "process.def".
Then to run the following command as usual.
There are five Executable file generated after "make". The user can choosed some of them to run according to his need.
To integrate cross section and generate distribution. the result of cross section is in the file "fresult.dat" and the convergence behaive is in the file "convergence.dat". The distribution data is in the file "plot.hbook" for pawX11 and the file "plot.dat for directly text view. The information for event generate is in the file "".
To generate event by using the information in the file "" and the generated 4-momentum data of event is in the file "pdata1.dat". The file "pdata1.dat" is of the fortmat as:
and each event is of the following format. There is no momentum of initial paticles, just all the momentum of final particles
By performing the following program
to integrate cross section and generate distribution. the result of cross section is in the file "kfresult.dat" and the convergence behaive is in the file "kconvergence.dat". The distribution data is in the file "kplot.hbook" for pawX11 and the file "kplot.dat for directly text view. The information for event generate is in the file "".
To generate event by using the information in the file "" and the generated 4-momentum data of event is in the file "".
To do Likelihood fitting by using 4-momentum data file "pdata1.dat" of Experiment events, phase space Moto Calo 4-momentum data file "" and amplitude square Fortran source. The result of parameter fitting is in the file "pep.res". The file "pep.res" is of exactly same index as the input file "fpara.inp", but the "fpara.inp" is input and "pep.res" is the output. The file "flag.inp" is used to control the behaive of "fit".
Example Of Input Items Or Files
is the list of resonace in this proecss, you can change the mass and width of resonaces in input data file "fort/reson.inp" without changing of fortran source.
is the list of parameters which you want to change their value when you run program "fit" to fit with experiment data. The parameters are in the input file "fort/fpara.inp" and you can change them in the file.
The follow input files, generated by FDC as input data for generated Fortran source, are in the subdirectory "fort". User can change all the parameters in them to control and change parameters in the calculation.
Where the detail of "do_mc" option is described in FDC resport.